Project Brief

AIGOT is a revolutionary platform designed to

revitalize traditional malls by seamlessly

integrating online and offline shopping experiences

. By bringing in Digitally Native Brands and

offering a centralized directory, intuitive navigation, and a personalized assistant for customers,

AIGOT making the mall an exciting and dynamic place to shop.

Sep 2022 - Dec 2022

UX Research

Experience Design

Usability Testing

My Contribution

UX Research

Product Design

Interface Design

Interaction Design


Shiya Wu

Effie Zhu

Micheal Tu

Colin Feng


About 1/3 of the shopping malls in the US have been enclosed, and existing malls are are

struggling with declining sales and increasing vacancies.


How might we

revitalize dying malls ?

Our Solution

A mall system that bring the advantages of both

online store and offline store.

Help online stores exposed to more customers, while help offline stores to better

understand customers.

Our Solution For Customer

Centralized Directory

Easy and comprehensive access to

products, stores, and events


Smart Navigation

Using users' input and advanced

algorithms to provide the most

efficient navigation

Personalized Assistant

Using real-time data to anticipate

users' needs to provide


Key Feature 1



Easy and comprehensive access to

products, stores, and events information

in the mall.

Key Feature 2

Smart Navigation

Using users' input and advanced

algorithms to provide the most efficient

navigation, including 2D map navigation &

AR spatial navigation.

Key Feature 3



Personalized Shopping AI assistant based on eye tracking & gesture input. By analyzing browsing history, purchasing behavior, and demographic information.

Similar Items


Item Comparison

Eye Tracking

Our Solution For Business

Platform Integration

Integrate the original online business

website into AIGOT system

Customer Insights

A better understanding of customers

with AI camera data tracking that

follows Ethics Guidelines

Human-free store management

Technology-driven store operation

with little need for employees

Key Feature

Human-free store


AI gesture recognition

To assess the feasibility of AI gesture

recognition, we developed a prototype

using Unity assets and Runway AI.

This system is capable of distinguishing

between gestures related to browsing,

selecting, and confirming selections.

Research Objective

Learn and practice user-centered research methods to address sustainability issues and apply in the design.

Throughout the first seven weeks of the course, we focused on conducting both secondary and primary research to understand why U.S. malls are declining and identify our target users based on their demographics, behaviors, preferences, and needs.

Mall /mɔːl/ n. Indoor/Outdoor complex with a variety of retail stores

Store Types: Department stores, supermarket, apparel, home furnishing, electronics, gifts, entertainment, etc.

Secondary Research

Research papers, Market Research, Competitive Analysis

Key Findings - Why Are Malls Dying?


Out-dated model

A large percentage of

consumers are in the age

group of 15 to 40 years. Fun

experience is the top reason

for GenZ to visit malls.


Online shopping

Rise of online shopping has

huge impact on retail sales.

Malls are no longer the only

place to shop and socialize.



The foot traffic dropped by

42% from 2019 to 2020.

More people began working

from home and avoided

indoor venues.



In the 70s and 80s, a new

mall opened in America

every 3 days on average.

About 1/3 of the shopping

malls in US have been


Primary Research

Context Inquiry

- We visited 8 LA local Malls, Observed and interacted with people in the context of the mall

- Identify our target users:


- Identify User painpoints:

Inconvenient or limited

parking options

Poor wayfinding

Outdated technology

6 Stakeholder Interviews

6 User Interviews

Conversation Tools

Synthesizing Insights


We use the affinity diagramming technique to categorize and explore possibilities based on key insights gathered from user research.


Dying malls lack unique anchor stores

Malls are experiencing a polarization. While the largest mall in a region is growing, the secondary malls are dying because they lack of unique anchor stores.

"It seems like the mall is trying to cover up the lack of anchor stores in the quadrant."
"The stores in the mall are quite dull and uninteresting. Despite its enormous size, there's nothing that catches my eye."


The young generation are leading a shift in the retail industry

Customers have a negative attitude towards the current technology adaption in malls because most of them are not functional and intuitive. Malls with only traditional indoor shopping have become less appealing.

"I don't like searching for products and want technology that can streamline the process." "I think a focus on improving

society should be among the most important things that the mall should seek to achieve."

Design & Prototyping

Our vision

How might we bring fresh brands to dying malls and attract the young generation?

Our Solution

A mall system that bring the advantages of both

online store and offline store.

Help online stores exposed to more customers, while help offline stores to better

understand customers.

User Types



Digitally Native Brands


Paper Prototypes and Usability Testing

Prior to developing our final design, we created low-

fidelity paper prototypes and conducted usability

testing to evaluate our proposed solutions. After

analyzing the test results, we made refinements to

enhance the user experience and designed our final


Task 1

Onboarding: Sign up and add a payment method to your account

Task 2

Try on and purchase: Your headphone is broken. Search for the headphone you want in the app and go to the store to try it. You can find similar products and try if you are not satisfy with the first one. Once you are satisfied, leave the mall and pay with autopay.

Task 3

Check the sales notification and browse product.

Usability Testing Learnings

  1. Users had difficulty checking out the product with autopay

  2. Users got confused with adding payment methods

  3. The steps for finding similar products were not intuitive

  4. Users need a filter to make the searching process more specific

  5. The online and offline experience were not clearly distinguished


Based on the results of our usability testing, we made several necessary refinements to our paper prototypes. This included changing our

word choices and adding prompts to enhance clarity. Also, we incorporated different display views based on the context and users' needs to

ensure the user experience was intuitive and easy to navigate.

Information Architecture

User Flow

  • Provide a frictionless shopping experience.

  • Help build trust between customer and retailers.

  • Analyze and Predict customer demand to optimize the revenue.

Mid-fidelity Wireframes


After we finalized the UI and prototypes for our product, we created two scenario videos that showcased how AIGOT works in a more realistic

context. These scenarios were developed based on our user types, and served to provide a more immersive experience for our viewers.

User Scenario - To Buy Something

For users who want to buy products with minimal time and effort spent in the mall.

User Scenario - To Buy Something

For users who want to spend their spare time but don't know what to do specifically.